Results for 'Heathcote D. Garrod'

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    The religion of all good men, and other studies in Christian ethics.Heathcote William Garrod - 1906 - New York,: McClure, Phillips & co..
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  2. Causes and laws.Adrian Heathcote & D. M. Armstrong - 1991 - Noûs 25 (1):63-73.
  3.  23
    Is unbounded visual search intractable?Andrew Heathcote & D. J. K. Mewhort - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (3):449-449.
  4.  24
    The falsifiability of actual decision-making models.Andrew Heathcote, E. -J. Wagenmakers & Scott D. Brown - 2014 - Psychological Review 121 (4):676-678.
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    An integrated model of choices and response times in absolute identification.Scott D. Brown, A. A. J. Marley, Christopher Donkin & Andrew Heathcote - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (2):396-425.
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    A unified theory of discrete and continuous responding.Peter D. Kvam, A. A. J. Marley & Andrew Heathcote - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (2):368-400.
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    Refining the law of practice.Nathan J. Evans, Scott D. Brown, Douglas J. K. Mewhort & Andrew Heathcote - 2018 - Psychological Review 125 (4):592-605.
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    Apes and men and hunters and artists.D. A. E. Garrod - 1928 - The Eugenics Review 19 (4):311.
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    A theory of causality: Causality=interaction (as defined by a suitable quantum field theory). [REVIEW]Adrian Heathcote - 1989 - Erkenntnis 31 (1):77 - 108.
    In this paper I put forward a suggestion for identifying causality in micro-systems with the specific quantum field theoretic interactions that occur in such systems. I first argue — along the lines of general transference theories — that such a physicalistic account is essential to an understanding of causation; I then proceed to sketch the concept of interaction as it occurs in quantum field theory and I do so from both a formal and an informal point of view. Finally, I (...)
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    The multiattribute linear ballistic accumulator model of context effects in multialternative choice.Jennifer S. Trueblood, Scott D. Brown & Andrew Heathcote - 2014 - Psychological Review 121 (2):179-205.
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    Model flexibility analysis does not measure the persuasiveness of a fit.Nathan J. Evans, Zachary L. Howard, Andrew Heathcote & Scott D. Brown - 2017 - Psychological Review 124 (3):339-345.
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    The fragile nature of contextual preference reversals: Reply to Tsetsos, Chater, and Usher (2015).Jennifer S. Trueblood, Scott D. Brown & Andrew Heathcote - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (4):848-853.
  13.  88
    Two Routes to Expertise in Mental Rotation.Alexander Provost, Blake Johnson, Frini Karayanidis, Scott D. Brown & Andrew Heathcote - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (7):1321-1342.
    The ability to imagine objects undergoing rotation (mental rotation) improves markedly with practice, but an explanation of this plasticity remains controversial. Some researchers propose that practice speeds up the rate of a general-purpose rotation algorithm. Others maintain that performance improvements arise through the adoption of a new cognitive strategy—repeated exposure leads to rapid retrieval from memory of the required response to familiar mental rotation stimuli. In two experiments we provide support for an integrated explanation of practice effects in mental rotation (...)
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    Review of Heathcote William Garrod: The Religion of All Good Men and Other Studies in Christian Ethics[REVIEW]James Lindsay - 1907 - International Journal of Ethics 18 (1):108-111.
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    Accumulating advantages: A new conceptualization of rapid multiple choice.Don van Ravenzwaaij, Scott D. Brown, A. A. J. Marley & Andrew Heathcote - 2020 - Psychological Review 127 (2):186-215.
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    Integrating Cognitive Process and Descriptive Models of Attitudes and Preferences.Guy E. Hawkins, A. A. J. Marley, Andrew Heathcote, Terry N. Flynn, Jordan J. Louviere & Scott D. Brown - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (4):701-735.
    Discrete choice experiments—selecting the best and/or worst from a set of options—are increasingly used to provide more efficient and valid measurement of attitudes or preferences than conventional methods such as Likert scales. Discrete choice data have traditionally been analyzed with random utility models that have good measurement properties but provide limited insight into cognitive processes. We extend a well-established cognitive model, which has successfully explained both choices and response times for simple decision tasks, to complex, multi-attribute discrete choice data. The (...)
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    Rejoinder.H. W. Garrod - 1917 - Classical Quarterly 11 (01):48-.
    My paper, written in 1911, was something of a ballon d'essai, and I acknowledge frankly one or two mistakes. Thus I did not know that Euripides wrote a Thyestes; and again one or two of my references were wrong: in excuse I may perhaps plead that I have not had access to a Latin book for nearly two years. Apart from this I will now make only two observations:1. I set aside the evidence of Cod. Paris. Lat. 7530 because I (...)
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  18. Campbell, JID, I Chan, D., 217.F. Chua, Y. Kareev, D. G. Kemler Nelson, G. S. Dell, A. Diamond, G. Doherty, D. R. Mandel, C. A. Sevald, S. Garrod & V. Weichbold - 1993 - Cognition 53:265.
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  19.  58
    Housman's Manilius (Editio Minor) - M. Manilii Astronomica. Recensuit A. E. Housman. Editio minor. Pp. xvi+181. Cambridge: University Press, 1932. Cloth, 10 s. 6 d. net. [REVIEW]H. W. Garrod - 1933 - The Classical Review 47 (01):26-27.
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    Petronius: with an English translation by Michael Heseltine. Seneca, Apocolocyntosis: with an English translation by W. H. D. Rouse. Heinemann and the Macmillan Co. [REVIEW]H. W. Garrod - 1914 - The Classical Review 28 (07):253-254.
  21.  15
    The molecular biology of desmosomes and hemidesmosomes: ′What's in a name?'.P. K. Legan, J. E. Collins & D. R. Garrod - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (6):385-393.
    Desmosomes are junctions involved in intercellular adhesion of epithelial cells and hemidesmosomes are junctions involved in adhesion of epithelia to basement membranes. Both are characterised at the ultrastructural level by dense cytoplasmic plaques which are linked to the intermediate filament cytoskeleton of the cells. The plaques strongly resemble each other suggesting a relationship between the two kinds of junctions, as implied by their names. Recent characterisation of the molecular components of the junctions shows they are, in fact, quite unrelated implying (...)
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    (1 other version)A Book of Latin Verse. Collected by H. W. Garrod. Clarendon Press, 1915.D. G. A. - 1916 - The Classical Review 30 (02):60-61.
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    Resonance within and between linguistic beings.Stephen D. Goldinger & Tamiko Azuma - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):199-200.
    Pickering & Garrod deserve appreciation for their cogent argument that dialogue merits greater scientific consideration. Current models make little contact with behaviors of dialogue, motivating the interactive alignment theory. However, the theory is not truly “mechanistic.” A full account requires both representations and processes bringing those representations into harmony. We suggest that Grossberg 's adaptive resonance theory may naturally conform to the principles of dialogue.
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    The Oxford Book of Latin Verse. From the earliest fragments to the end of the fifth century, A.D. Edited by H. W. Garrod, Fellow of Merton College. Foolscap 8vo. Pp. xliii + 531. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 6s.; or on India paper, 7s. 6d. [REVIEW]R. B. Appleton - 1913 - The Classical Review 27 (06):213-.
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    Plant receptor‐ligand interactions. Hormones, receptors and cellular interactions in plants, Intercellular and Intercellular Communication, vol. 1. Edited by C. M. Chadwick and D. R. Garrod. Cambridge University Press, 1986. Pp. 375. £40; $69.50. [REVIEW]Mark Jacobs - 1987 - Bioessays 6 (6):287-288.
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  26. Yes, but what is the mother of necessity?Adrian Heathcote - unknown
    It’s a truism of philosophy that Realists must not postulate more than we could reasonably hope to know, while Anti-Realists must not leave us with so little that all knowledge is impossible. But balance is not easily come by—and even less in philosophy than in life. So philosophy continues to struggle over the hard cases, with neither the Realist nor the Anti-Realist able to score an easy victory.
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    The law of practice and localist neural network models.Andrew Heathcote & Scott Brown - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):479-480.
    An extensive survey by Heathcote et al. (in press) found that the Law of Practice is closer to an exponential than a power form. We show that this result is hard to obtain for models using leaky competitive units when practice affects only the input, but that it can be accommodated when practice affects shunting self-excitation.
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  28. Gettier and the stopped clock.A. Heathcote - 2012 - Analysis 72 (2):309-314.
    The purpose of this article is to show that the truthmaker solution to the Gettier counter-examples can solve the Russell case of the stopped clock (other standard cases have already been analysed). The solution amounts to this: the truthmaker for the claim that it is, say, 2.00 pm, is a combination of natural and non-natural determinants. The latter are created by stipulation, but having been so made make it is a perfectly objective matter as to whether it is 2.00 o'clock. (...)
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  29. Truthmaking and the Gettier Problem.Adrian Heathcote - 2006 - In Stephen Cade Hetherington (ed.), Aspects of Knowing: Epistemological Essays. Elsevier Science. pp. 152--67.
  30.  39
    Multiplicity and indiscernibility.Adrian Heathcote - 2020 - Synthese 198 (9):8779-8808.
    The indistinguishability of bosons and fermions has been an essential part of our ideas of quantum mechanics since the 1920s. But what is the mathematical basis for this indistinguishability? An answer was provided in the group representation theory that developed alongside quantum theory and quickly became a major part of its mathematical structure. In the 1930s such a complex and seemingly abstract theory came to be rejected by physicists as the standard functional analysis picture presented by John von Neumann took (...)
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    Five Indistinguishable Spheres.Adrian Heathcote - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (2):367-383.
    The significance of Max Black’s indistinguishable spheres for the nature of particles in quantum mechanics is discussed, focusing in particular on the use of the idea of weak indiscernibility. It is argued that there can be four such Black spheres but that five are impossible. It follows from this that Black’s example cannot serve as a model for indistinguishability in physics. But Black’s discussion of his spheres gave rise to the idea of weak discernibility and it is argued that such (...)
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    The Problem of Truth in Quantum Mechanics.Adrian Heathcote - 2023 - Global Philosophy 33 (1):1-29.
    There is a large literature on the issue of the lack of properties (i.e. accidents) in quantum mechanics (the problem of “hidden variables”) and also on the indistinguishability of particles. Both issues were discussed as far back as the late 1920’s. However, the implications of these challenges to classical ontology were taken up rather late, in part in the ‘quantum set theory’ of Takeuti (Curr Issues Quant Logic 303–322, 1981), Finkelstein (in Beltrametti EG, Van Fraassen BC (eds) Current issues in (...)
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  33. Unbounded operators and the incompleteness of quantum mechanics.Adrian Heathcote - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (3):523-534.
    A proof is presented that a form of incompleteness in Quantum Mechanics follows directly from the use of unbounded operators. It is then shown that the problems that arise for such operators are not connected to the non- commutativity of many pairs of operators in Quantum Mechanics and hence are an additional source of incompleteness to that which allegedly flows from the..
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    Abductive inference and invalidity.Adrian Heathcote - 1995 - Theoria 61 (3):231-260.
  35.  15
    Realism, irrationality, and spinor spaces.Adrian Heathcote - 2023 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 75:15-57.
    Mathematics, as Eugene Wigner noted, is unreasonably effective in physics. The argument of this paper is that the disproportionate attention that philosophers have paid to discrete structures such as the natural numbers, for which a nominalist construction may be possible, has deprived us of the best argument for Platonism, which lies in continuous structures—in fields and their derived algebras, such as Clifford algebras. The argument that Wigner was making is best made with respect to such structures—in a loose sense, with (...)
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    Countability and self-identity.Adrian Heathcote - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (4):1-23.
    The Received View of particles in quantum mechanics is that they are indistinguishable entities within their kinds and that, as a consequence, they are not individuals in the metaphysical sense and self-identity does not meaningfully apply to them. Nevertheless cardinality does apply, in that one can have n> 1 such particles. A number of authors have recently argued that this cluster of claims is internally contradictory: roughly, that having more than one such particle requires that the concepts of distinctness and (...)
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    Kt and the Diamond of Knowledge.Adrian Heathcote - 2004 - Philosophical Books 45 (4):286-295.
    That there is an edge at all is, of course, philosophically controversial; it would be denied by anti-realists of a verificationist stripe. However, we accept, since G¨odel, that there are true propositions of elementary arithmetic that are unprovable in arithmetic; just so, we should accept—by analogy—that there are true statements that are unknowable. An argument called the Fitch Argument tells us that it is so. Williamson has long argued that the Fitch Argument cannot by itself refute antirealism—because the anti-realist is (...)
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  38. √ −1 as geometric mean Wallis' proof of.Adrian Heathcote - unknown
    The geometric mean is also called the mean proportional. This is how the mathematicians of the √ −1. 19th Century, such as Gauss, understood..
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    Analyticity, Truthmaking and Mathematics.Adrian Heathcote - 2018 - Open Journal of Philosophy 8 (3):243-261.
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    Eating Us Out of House and Home.Gina Heathcote - 2016 - Feminist Review 114 (1):8-9.
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    Masochism, sadism and homotextuality: the examples of Yukio Mishima and Eric Jourdan.Owen Heathcote - 1994 - Paragraph 17 (2):174-189.
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  42. Quantum Heterodoxy: Realism at the Plank Length.Adrian Heathcote - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (5):513-529.
  43. Terraqueous feminisms and the international law of the sea.Gina Heathcote - 2024 - In Matilda Arvidsson & Emily Jones (eds.), International law and posthuman theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The Truthmaker Account Is Not a Causal Theory.Adrian Heathcote - 2014 - Acta Analytica 29 (3):383-388.
    It is argued that the part-whole account of the relation between evidence and the larger state of affairs the evidence is evidence of—an account that was elucidated in the paper ‘Truthmaking, Evidence of, and Impossibility Proofs’ —provides a better basis for epistemology than causal relations between events. I apply this to a well-known phenomenon in physics which suggests that causal connectedness is not necessary for knowledge.
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    Slow down and remember to remember! A delay theory of prospective memory costs.Andrew Heathcote, Shayne Loft & Roger W. Remington - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (2):376-410.
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    Comments on Forge.Adrian Heathcote - 1996 - In Peter J. Riggs (ed.), Natural Kinds, Laws of Nature and Scientific Methodology. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 229--233.
    In his essay ‘Laws and States in Quantum Mechanics’, John Forge presents a case for considering laws of nature to be privileged sets of states, trajectories in the quantum mechanical analogue of phase space. Having presented an argument to show that states have to be taken with full ontological seriousness, Forge then uses those states to undergird his favourite account of laws and explanation — called the Instance View. On this view laws are a special sort of pattern, a certain (...)
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  47. Of Crows and Quarks: Reflections on the Laws of Quantum Mechanics.Adrian Heathcote - 1996 - In Peter J. Riggs (ed.), Natural Kinds, Laws of Nature and Scientific Methodology. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 145--161.
  48.  23
    Teaching the Social Studies.Charles William Heathcote - 1931 - The Monist 41 (2):310-310.
  49.  66
    Truthmaking, Evidence Of, and Impossibility Proofs.Adrian Heathcote - 2014 - Acta Analytica 29 (3):363-375.
    Beginning with Zagzebski (The Philosophical Quarterly 44:65–73, 1994), some philosophers have argued that there can be no solution to the Gettier counterexamples within the framework of a fallibilist theory of knowledge. If true, this would be devastating, since it is believed on good grounds that infallibilism leads to scepticism. But I argue here that these purported proofs are mistaken and that the truthmaker solution to the Gettier problems is both cogent and fallibilist in nature. To show this I develop the (...)
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  50.  30
    An Imaginary Universe.Adrian Heathcote - 2005 - Metascience 14 (2):179-184.
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